It is through education and intergenerational transmission that we can positively inspire the younger generations. The NGO Ascendances carries out numerous workshops with them, using Art in all its forms as a medium. 

Martin Luther King Day

 Every year in early January, Martin Luther King Day is celebrated to commemorate this great man and his fight for civil rights.

Our NGO takes this commemoration day every year (except in the covid context) to raise awareness among middle school students about the history of these struggles, which unfortunately are still so current.


2018 edition of Martin Luther King Day at Collège Sainte-Marie Bastide on the theme "Civil Rights through Art" 

Action carried out at the instigation of Mr. David Dussort, Education Advisor of the NGO Ascendances,

with the invitation of the artist Max Vaïtilingom-Boyer who produced two frescoes on the theme of slavery and of Madame Bernadette Cellard, professor of English at Michel Montaigne University, who produced a photo documentary on the memory of this period in some cities in the southern United States. This commemoration was the occasion of wonderful moments of exchange between students, teachers, artists but also political and diplomatic personalities.